Write Source 5

Writing Topics
- Staying at a friend’s house
- A special secret place
- When I was upside down
- What if we suddenly had to move?
- My most embarrassing moment
- Talk about being scared!
- Do I want to be famous?
- Creepy, crawly things
- What if I were the teacher?
- I’ll never eat another . . .
- My biggest surprise
- This school really needs . . .
- The first day of school is the worst/best.
- A pet sitter needs special instructions to care for my pet.
- Doing homework
- A song that means a lot to me
- My best day
- A day in the life of my pet
- I don’t understand why . . .
- Dirt bikes and in-line skates
- A visit to a friend’s school
- What is important to me?
- A terrible storm
- Me and the outdoors
- My first school memories
- More topics.
Student Models
Back To Top- Personal Writing (4-5)
- Personal Essay: Rules
- Personal Essay: My Mother
- Personal Essay: Ann
- Personal Essay: Grandpa, Chaz, and Me
- Personal Narrative: The Day I Took the Spotlight
- Personal Narrative: Jet Bikes
- Personal Narrative: Indy’s Life Story
- Subject Writing (4-5)
- Description of a Place: My Favorite Place to Go
- Description of a Place: Shadow Fort
- Persuasive Essay: Adopting a Pet from the Pound
- Persuasive Essay: Letter to the Editor
- Book Review: A Story of Survival
- Story and Play Writing (4-5)
- Story: The Terror of Kansas
- Story: Chloe’s Day
- Story: The Haunted House
- Report Writing (4-5)
- Height-Challenged German Shepherd
- Deer Don’t Need to Flee to Stay Trouble-Free!
- Poetry Writing (4-5)
- I Am Attean
- Did You Ever Look at . . .
- The Civil War
- Sloppy Joes
- When I Was Upside Down
- Dreams
Multimedia Reports
Back To TopThe “Multimedia Reports” chapter of this book shows how to prepare a multimedia presentation. The following presentation is based on the storyboard in that chapter. To play these files on your computer, you will need the PowerPoint program (Windows or Mac) or the PowerPoint Viewer (Windows only).
For your convenience, we have also provided a link to a Web slide-show version of each presentation or report (without sound or slide transitions).
Download the “Daniel Boone” presentation to your computer.
Launch the Web slide-show version.