Write Source 2

Writing Topics
- Games I play with friends
- How to make new friends
- A joke that makes everyone laugh
- Something funny that happened to me
- What I know about dinosaurs
- An important person I know
- Words I think are funny
- What I know about stars
- What I know about the ocean
- Something I don’t understand
- Things that could be better in my neighborhood
- Good things about my neighborhood
- My favorite foods
- After-school games
- Sometimes I wish
- What I like about math
- My new friend
- A “knock, knock” joke
- Foods I don’t like
- Games we play at recess
- Some of my favorite books
- More topics.
Student Models
Back To Top- Personal Writing (2)
- Personal Narrative: My Dad
- Personal Narrative: The Horrible Day
- Poetry Writing (2)
- Poem
- Poem: Winter Words
- Subject Writing (2)
- Expository Paragraph: If I Were President
- Report: One Great Book
- Story Writing (2)
- Fable: A Fable
- Story: The Missing Coin
Multimedia Reports
Back To TopThe “Multimedia Reports” chapter of this book shows how to prepare a multimedia presentation. The following presentation is based on the storyboard in that chapter. To play these files on your computer, you will need the PowerPoint program (Windows or Mac) or the PowerPoint Viewer (Windows only).
For your convenience, we have also provided a link to a Web slide-show version of each presentation or report (without sound or slide transitions).
Download the “Hummingbirds” presentation to your computer.
Launch the Web slide-show version.