Write Source 12

Writing Topics
- My craziest experience in a restaurant or shopping mall
- The hardest thing I’ve ever done
- My first encounter with a bully
- Let’s hear it for my favorite senior citizen.
- The toys I’ll never give up
- A friend who moved away
- I couldn’t believe that my mother volunteered me for that job.
- Putting my foot in my mouth
- What if school sports were dropped?
- Who knows me best?
- What do I worry about?
- My muscles were so sore after . . .
- What do we Americans do well?
- “Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.”
- I admit it; I enjoy professional wrestling.
- An unforgettable dream
- My worst vacation
- A “visit” to a hospital, doctor’s office, or dentist’s office
- Coping with brothers and sisters
- A typical evening at home
- Morning madness
- When I was a discipline problem
- A meaningful gift I’ve given or received
- We all make mistakes.
- Why do I deserve the job?
- My brother (or sister) made me so mad!
- Hanging out
- Something this school really needs is . . .
- Why are soap operas so popular?
- I take some things too seriously.
- What do I do to break routine?
- More topics.
Student Models
Back To Top- Personal Writing (9-12)
- Extended Personal Narrative: The Climb
- Extended Personal Narrative: Caught in the Net
- Extended Personal Narrative: The Boy with John Travolta Blue Eyes
- Personal Essay: It’s a Boy!
- Personal Essay: Take Me to Casablanca
- Personal Essay: My Greatest Instrument
- Personal Essay: Snapshots
- Subject Writing (9-12)
- Descriptive Writing: H’s Hickory Chips
- News Feature: Internet Plagiarism
- Eyewitness Account: Anticipating the Dream
- Profile of a Person: Rosa Parks
- Profile of a Person: From Bed Bound to Breaking Boards
- Interview Report: Student Entrepreneur . . .
- Persuasive Writing (9-12)
- Pet Peeve Essay: Mosquito Madness Editorial
- Creative Writing (9-12)
- Patterned Fiction: The House on Medford Avenue
- Poetry: Mama’s Stitches
- Play: The KHS Press
- Academic Writing (9-12)
- Process Essay: Huddling Together
- Cause/Effect Essay: Save the Elephants
- Essay of Comparison: If Only They Knew
- Writing About Literature (9-12)
- Personal Response to Literature: Adam’s Train of Ghosts
- Personal Response to Literature: Diary of Gaspard
- Literary Analysis: My Interpretation of The Joy Luck Club
- Research Writing (9-12)
- Research Paper: Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Restaurants?
- Research Paper: The Killer Bean
- Workplace Writing (9-12)
- Memo: Mid-project Report
- Business Letter: Dear Ms. Cline
Multimedia Reports
Back To TopThe “Multimedia Reports” chapter of this book shows how to prepare a multimedia presentation. The following presentation is based on the storyboard in that chapter. To play these files on your computer, you will need the PowerPoint program (Windows or Mac) or the PowerPoint Viewer (Windows only).
For your convenience, we have also provided a link to a Web slide-show version of each presentation or report (without sound or slide transitions).
Download the “Roosevelt’s New Deal: Success or Failure?” presentation to your computer.
Launch the Web slide-show version.